Signal matching through scale space
作者:Andrew Witkin, Demetri Terzopoulos, Michael Kass
Given a collection of similar signals that have been deformed with respect to each other, the general signal-matching problem is to recover the deformation. We formulate the problem as the minimization of an energy measure that combines a smoothness term and a similarity term. The minimization reduces to a dynamic system governed by a set of coupled, first-order differential equations. The dynamic system finds an optimal solution at a coarse scale and then tracks it continuously to a fine scale. Among the major themes in recent work on visual signal matching have been the notions of matching as constrained optimization, of variational surface reconstruction, and of coarse-to-fine matching. Our solution captures these in a precise, succinct, and unified form. Results are presented for one-dimensional signals, a motion sequence, and a stereo pair.
论文关键词:Dynamic System, Computer Vision, Computer Image, Fine Scale, Similar Signal