Mining Mid-level Features for Image Classification
作者:Basura Fernando, Elisa Fromont, Tinne Tuytelaars
Mid-level or semi-local features learnt using class-level information are potentially more distinctive than the traditional low-level local features constructed in a purely bottom-up fashion. At the same time they preserve some of the robustness properties with respect to occlusions and image clutter. In this paper we propose a new and effective scheme for extracting mid-level features for image classification, based on relevant pattern mining. In particular, we mine relevant patterns of local compositions of densely sampled low-level features. We refer to the new set of obtained patterns as Frequent Local Histograms or FLHs. During this process, we pay special attention to keeping all the local histogram information and to selecting the most relevant reduced set of FLH patterns for classification. The careful choice of the visual primitives and an extension to exploit both local and global spatial information allow us to build powerful bag-of-FLH-based image representations. We show that these bag-of-FLHs are more discriminative than traditional bag-of-words and yield state-of-the-art results on various image classification benchmarks, including Pascal VOC.
论文关键词:Frequent itemset mining, Image classification, Discriminative patterns, Mid-level features