A Unified Framework for Compositional Fitting of Active Appearance Models
作者:Joan Alabort-i-Medina, Stefanos Zafeiriou
Active appearance models (AAMs) are one of the most popular and well-established techniques for modeling deformable objects in computer vision. In this paper, we study the problem of fitting AAMs using compositional gradient descent (CGD) algorithms. We present a unified and complete view of these algorithms and classify them with respect to three main characteristics: (i) cost function; (ii) type of composition; and (iii) optimization method. Furthermore, we extend the previous view by: (a) proposing a novel Bayesian cost function that can be interpreted as a general probabilistic formulation of the well-known project-out loss; (b) introducing two new types of composition, asymmetric and bidirectional, that combine the gradients of both image and appearance model to derive better convergent and more robust CGD algorithms; and (c) providing new valuable insights into existent CGD algorithms by reinterpreting them as direct applications of the Schur complement and the Wiberg method. Finally, in order to encourage open research and facilitate future comparisons with our work, we make the implementation of the algorithms studied in this paper publicly available as part of the Menpo Project (http://www.menpo.org).
论文关键词:Active appearance models, Non-linear optimization, Compositional gradient descent, Bayesian inference, Asymmetric and bidirectional composition, Schur complement, Wiberg algorithm