An intensity-based cooperative bidirectional stereo matching with simultaneous detection of discontinuities and occlusions
作者:A. Luo, H. Burkhardt
This paper presents a new intensity-based stereo algorithm using cooperative bidirectional matching with a hierarchical multilevel structure. Based on a new model of piecewise smooth depth fields and the consistency constraint, the algorithm is able to estimate the 3-D structure and detect its discontinuities and the occlusion reliably with low computational costs. In order to find the global optimal estimates, we utilize a multiresolution two-stage algorithm minimizing nonconvex cost functions, which is equivalent to the MAP estimation. This basic framework computing the 3-D structure from binocular stereo images has been extended to the trinocular stereo vision for a further improvement of the performance. A few examples for the binocular and trinocular stereo problems are given to illustrate the performance of the new algorithms.
论文关键词:Stereo Image, Stereo Vision, Stereo Match, Consistency Constraint, Multilevel Structure