Appearance-Based Structure from Motion Using Linear Classes of 3-D Models

作者:Sing Bing Kang, Michael Jones


In this paper, we address the problem of recovering 3-D models from sequences of partly calibrated images with unknown correspondence. To that end, we integrate tracking, structure from motion with geometric constraints (specifically in the form of linear class models) in a single framework. The key to making the proposed approach work is the use of appearance-based model matching and refinement which updates the estimated correspondences on each iteration of the algorithm. Another key feature is the matching of a 3-D model directly with the input images without the conventional 2-step approach of stereo data recovery and 3-D model fitting. Initialization of the linear class model to one of the input images (the reference image) is currently partly manual.

论文关键词:structure from motion, appearance prediction, parameter reestimation through image synthesis, linear class models, constrained 3-D deformation, face modeling from images

