Non-Rigid Stereo Factorization

作者:Alessio Del Bue, Lourdes Agapito


In this paper we address the problem of recovering 3D non-rigid structure from a sequence of images taken with a stereo pair. We have extended existing non-rigid factorization algorithms to the stereo camera case and presented an algorithm to decompose the measurement matrix into the motion of the left and right cameras and the 3D shape, represented as a linear combination of basis-shapes. The added constraints in the stereo camera case are that both cameras are viewing the same structure and that the relative orientation between both cameras is fixed. Our focus in this paper is on the recovery of flexible 3D shape rather than on the correspondence problem. We propose a method to compute reliable 3D models of deformable structure from stereo images. Our experiments with real data show that improved reconstructions can be achieved using this method. The algorithm includes a non-linear optimization step that minimizes image reprojection error and imposes the correct structure to the motion matrix by choosing an appropriate parameterization. We show that 3D shape and motion estimates can be successfully disambiguated after bundle adjustment and demonstrate this on synthetic and real image sequences. While this optimization step is proposed for the stereo camera case, it can be readily applied to the case of non-rigid structure recovery using a monocular video sequence.

论文关键词:non-rigid structure from motion, non-linear optimization, stereo, deformable model

