Group-Wise Point-Set Registration Using a Novel CDF-Based Havrda-Charvát Divergence

作者:Ting Chen, Baba C. Vemuri, Anand Rangarajan, Stephan J. Eisenschenk


This paper presents a novel and robust technique for group-wise registration of point sets with unknown correspondence. We begin by defining a Havrda-Charvát (HC) entropy valid for cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) which we dub the HC Cumulative Residual Entropy (HC-CRE). Based on this definition, we propose a new measure called the CDF-HC divergence which is used to quantify the dis-similarity between CDFs estimated from each point-set in the given population of point sets. This CDF-HC divergence generalizes the CDF Jensen-Shannon (CDF-JS) divergence introduced earlier in the literature, but is much simpler in implementation and computationally more efficient.

论文关键词:Group-wise registration, Point-set, Thin plate spline, Information theory, Havrda-Charvat divergence

