AICOM - volume 31 - 2018 论文列表 |
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Luc Steels Ramón López de Mántaras
Leveraging knowledge bases for future prediction with memory comparison networks.Daniel Andrade Bing Bai Ramkumar Rajendran Yotaro Watanabe
Performance robustness of AI planners in the 2014 International Planning Competition.Andrea F. Bocchese Chris Fawcett Mauro Vallati Alfonso Emilio Gerevini Holger H. Hoos
Pablo Chamoso Sara Rodríguez Fernando de la Prieta Javier Bajo
A genetic algorithm for group formation in elderly communities.Juan M. Alberola Elena del Val Ângelo Costa Paulo Novais Vicente Julián
Coalition formation in social environments with logic-based agents.Éric Grégoire Jean-Marie Lagniez Du Zhang
Programming and verifying a declarative first-order prover in Isabelle/HOL.Alexander Birch Jensen John Bruntse Larsen Anders Schlichtkrull Jørgen Villadsen
Towards backbone computing: A Greedy-Whitening based approach.Yueling Zhang Min Zhang Geguang Pu Fu Song Jianwen Li
Can an A.I. win a medal in the mathematical olympiad? - Benchmarking mechanized mathematics on pre-university problems.Takuya Matsuzaki Hidenao Iwane Munehiro Kobayashi Yiyang Zhan Ryoya Fukasaku Jumma Kudo Hirokazu Anai Noriko H. Arai
Hierarchical invention of theorem proving strategies. Foreword to the Special Issue on Automated Reasoning.Christine Task Mark A. Wilson Matthew Molineaux David W. Aha
Rationale-based perceptual monitors.Zohreh A. Dannenhauer Michael T. Cox
Distributed discrepancy detection for a goal reasoning agent in beyond-visual-range air combat.Justin Karneeb Michael W. Floyd Philip Moore David W. Aha
Learning task hierarchies using statistical semantics and goal reasoning.Sriram Gopalakrishnan Héctor Muñoz-Avila Ugur Kuter
Goal reasoning for autonomous underwater vehicles: Responding to unexpected agents.Mark A. Wilson James McMahon Artur Wolek David W. Aha Brian H. Houston
Learning-driven goal generation.Alberto Pozanco Susana Fernández Daniel Borrajo
Anticipation of goals in automated planning. Special issue on goal reasoning.Domenico Lembo Daniele Pantaleone Valerio Santarelli Domenico Fabio Savo
Combining argumentation and aspect-based opinion mining: The SMACk system.Mauro Dragoni Célia da Costa Pereira Andrea G. B. Tettamanzi Serena Villata
Supporting adaptiveness of cyber-physical processes through action-based formalisms.Andrea Marrella Massimo Mecella Sebastian Sardiña
An intelligent system for taxi service: Analysis, prediction and visualization.Yu Lu Zeng Zeng Huayu Wu Gim Guan Chua Jingjing Zhang
ASQFor: Automatic SPARQL query formulation for the non-expert.Muhammad Rizwan Saeed Charalampos Chelmis Viktor K. Prasanna
Addressing structural and linguistic heterogeneity in the Web. Demonstrations Track of the 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.