Improving Parallel Ordering of Sparse Matrices Using Genetic Algorithms
作者:Wen-Yang Lin
In the direct solution of sparse symmetric and positive definite linear systems, finding an ordering of the matrix to minimize the height of the elimination tree (an indication of the number of parallel elimination steps) is crucial for effectively computing the Cholesky factor in parallel. This problem is known to be NP-hard. Though many effective heuristics have been proposed, the problems of how good these heuristics are near optimal and how to further reduce the height of the elimination tree remain unanswered. This paper is an effort for this investigation. We introduce a genetic algorithm tailored to this parallel ordering problem, which is characterized by two novel genetic operators, adaptive merge crossover and tree rotate mutation. Experiments showed that our approach is cost effective in the number of generations evolved to reach a better solution in reducing the height of the elimination tree.
论文关键词:sparse matrix ordering, parallel factorization, genetic algorithms, elimination tree