Forwarding Zone enabled PSO routing with Network lifetime maximization in MANET
作者:Rashmi Chaudhry, Shashikala Tapaswi, Neetesh Kumar
Network lifetime maximization is one of the most sought after issues in Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs). Whereas, due to geographical routing based approaches, the packet transmission becomes more suitable in dynamic environment such as MANETs. Direct heuristics are not suitable in such scenarios to provide desired solution as the problem becomes NP-hard in dense networks, thus researchers focused to utilize meta-heuristic techniques. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is one of the most effective meta-heuristic techniques to solve such problems with near optimal solution. However, meta-heuristic techniques (PSO) become slow in convergence and require more computational time when network size increases. Therefore, in this work, PSO is adaptively modified (APSO) to best fit in our scenario, and re-enforced using Forwarding Search Space (FSS) heuristic technique to overcome the PSO’s convergence and computational time related issues, significantly improves the performance of PSO. In FSS, a Forwarding Zone (FZ) is selected between source and destination such that the optimal solution lies in that area and APSO is applied for an effective routing in FZ area instead of complete network. To utilize the complementary characteristics of both (APSO and FSS), a hybrid FZ-APSO is proposed for routing in dense network with minimum delay and energy consumption in order to increase the lifetime of the network. Comparative simulation results evidenced that the proposed FZ-APSO routing algorithm significantly improved the performance of the routing in terms of energy consumption, end to end delay, computational time and network lifetime.
论文关键词:Geographical routing, Forwarding Zone, APSO, Mobile Ad hoc network