Collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm integrating time windows and rating predictions

作者:Pengfei Zhang, Zhijun Zhang, Tian Tian, Yigui Wang


This paper describes a new collaborative filtering recommendation algorithm based on probability matrix factorization. The proposed algorithm decomposes the rating matrix into two nonnegative matrixes using a predictive rating model. After normalization processing, these two nonnegative matrixes provide useful probability semantics. The posterior distribution of the real part of the probability model is calculated by the variational inference method. Finally, the preferences for items that users have not rated can be predicted. The user–item rating matrix is supplemented by a preference prediction value, resulting in a dense rating matrix. Finally, time weighting is integrated into the rating matrix to construct the 3D user–item–time model, which gives the recommendation results. According to experiments using open Netflix, MovieLens, and Epinion datasets, the proposed algorithm is superior to several existing recommendation algorithms in terms of rating predictions and recommendation effects.

论文关键词:Probability matrix factorization, Time weighting, Probability model, Recommendation algorithm

