A novel approach for multi-cue feature fusion for robust object tracking
作者:Ashish Kumar, Gurjit Singh Walia, Kapil Sharma
Object tracking is a significant problem of computer vision due to challenging environmental variations. Single cue appearance model is not sufficient to handle the variations. To this end, we propose a multi-cue tracking framework in which complementary cues namely, LBP and HOG were exploited to develop a robust appearance model. The proposed feature fusion captures the high-level relationship between the features and diminishes the low-level relationship. Transductive reliability is also integrated at each frame to make tracker adaptive with the changing environment. In addition, K-Means based classifier creates clear and concise boundary between positive and negative fragments which are further used to update the reference dictionary. This adaptation strategy prevents the erroneous updation of the proposed tracker during background clutters, occlusion, and fast motion. Qualitative and quantitative analysis on challenging video sequences from OTB-100 dataset, VOT dataset and UAV123 reveal that the proposed tracker performs favorably against 13 others state-of-the-art trackers.
论文关键词:Object tracking, Feature fusion, Classifier, Reliability