Hollow-tree: a metric access method for data with missing values
作者:Safia Brinis, Caetano Traina Jr., Agma J. M. Traina
Similarity search is fundamental to store and retrieve large volumes of complex data required by many real world applications. A useful mechanism for such concept is the query-by-similarity. Based on their topological properties, metric similarity functions can be used to index sets of data which can be queried effectively and efficiently by the so-called metric access methods. However, data produced by various application domains and the varying data types handled often lead to missing data, hence, they do not follow the metric similarity requirements. As a consequence, missing data cause distortions in the index structure and yield bias in the query answer. In this paper, we propose the Hollow-tree, a novel access method aimed at successfully retrieving data with missing attribute values. It employs new strategies for indexing and searching data elements, capable of handling the missing data issues when the cause of missingness is ignorable. The indexing strategy is based on a family of distance functions that allow measuring the distance between elements with missing values, along with a set of policies able to organize the elements in the index without causing distortions to its internal structure. The searching strategy employs fractal dimension property of the data to achieve accurate query answer while considering data with missing values part of the response. Results from experiments performed on a variety of real and synthetic data sets showed that, while other metric access methods deteriorate with small amounts of missing values, the Hollow-tree maintains a remarkable performance with almost 100% of precision and recall for range queries and more than 90% for k-nearest neighbor queries, for up to 40% of missing values.
论文关键词:Missing values, Missing at random, Similarity search, Fractal dimension