Support environment for active rule design

作者:Elena Baralis, Stefano Ceri, Piero Fraternali, Stefano Paraboschi


The lack of tools for rule generation, analysis, and run-time monitoring appears one of the main obstacles to the widespreading of active database applications. This paper describes a complete tool environment for assisting the design of active rules applications; the tools were developed at Politecnico di Milano in the context of the IDEA Project, a 4-years Esprit project sponsored by the European Commission which was launched in June 1992. We describe tools for active rule generation, analysis, debugging, and browsing; rules are defined in Chimera, a conceptual design model and language for the specification of active rules applications. We also introduce a tool for mapping from Chimera into Oracle, a relational product supporting triggers.

论文关键词:database design, active databases, design support environment

