A Model for Adaptive Information Retrieval
作者:Fabio Crestani, Cornelis J. van Rijsbergen
The paper presents a network model that can be used toproduce conceptual and logical schemas for Information Retrievalapplications. The model has interesting adaptability characteristicsand can be instantiated in various effective ways. The paper alsoreports the results of an experimental investigation into theeffectiveness of implementing associative and adaptive retrieval onthe proposed model by means of Neural Networks. The implementationmakes use of the learning and generalisation capabilities of theBackpropagation learning algorithm to build up and use applicationdomain knowledge in a sub-symbolic form. The knowledge is acquiredfrom examples of queries and relevant documents. Three differentlearning strategies are introduced, their performance is analysed andcompared with the performance of a traditional Information Retrievalsystem.
论文关键词:Information Retrieval, Neural Networks, Conceptual Modelling, Learning Strategies, Relevance Feedback