Exploiting Background Information in Knowledge Discovery from Text

作者:Ronen Feldman, Haym Hirsh


This paper describes the FACT system for knowledge discovery fromtext. It discovers associations—patterns ofco-occurrence—amongst keywords labeling the items in a collection oftextual documents. In addition, when background knowledge is available aboutthe keywords labeling the documents FACT is able to use this information inits discovery process. FACT takes a query-centered view of knowledgediscovery, in which a discovery request is viewed as a query over theimplicit set of possible results supported by a collection of documents, andwhere background knowledge is used to specify constraints on the desiredresults of this query process. Execution of a knowledge-discovery query isstructured so that these background-knowledge constraints can be exploitedin the search for possible results. Finally, rather than requiring a user tospecify an explicit query expression in the knowledge-discovery querylanguage, FACT presents the user with a simple-to-use graphical interface tothe query language, with the language providing a well-defined semantics forthe discovery actions performed by a user through the interface.

论文关键词:association mining, textual databases, background knowledge, query languages, constraint processing

