Formulae Meet Programs Over the Net: A Framework for Correct Network Aware Programming
作者:Lorenzo Bettini, Rocco De Nicola, Michele Loreti
A general framework for network aware programming is presented that consists of a language for programming mobile applications, a logic for specifying properties of the applications and an automatic tool for verifying such properties. The framework is based on X-KLAIM, eXtended KLAIM, an experimental programming language specifically designed to program distributed systems composed of several components interacting through multiple tuple spaces and mobile code. The proposed logic is a modal logic inspired by Hennessy-Milner logic and is interpreted over the same labelled structures used for the operational semantics of X-KLAIM. The automatic verification tool is based on a complete proof system that has been previously developed for the logic.
论文关键词:modal logics, mobile agents, network aware programming, verification, concurrency, programming languages