Automatic Problem Description from Model Program for Knowledge-based Programming Tutor

作者:S.-H. Hahn, J. Kim


Knowledge-based programming tutors are supposed to analyze the students' programs using knowledge of the concepts of programming language, skills to build programs, misconceptions of novice programmers, and information about the programs to be analyzed. The last one provides the programming tutor with the intentions of programmers, and this allows the tutor to do an intention-based diagnosis (Johnson, 1996). This is given to the system in the form of a problem description by human instructors. However, it is very hard for instructors to write a problem description. For instructors, the simplest way to describe a problem may be to write a model program of that problem. This paper describes the system named GOES, a GOal Extraction System, which extracts the purposes (Goals) of a model program automatically.

论文关键词:program understanding, template-based matching, intelligent tutoring system, problem description, programming plans

