Modeling Architecture Description Languages Using AML
作者:David Wile
The language AML was designed to specify the semantics of architecture description languages, ADLs, especially ADLs describing architectures wherein the architecture itself evolves over time. Dynamic evolution concerns arise with considerable variation in time scale. One may constrain how a system may evolve by monitoring its development lifecycle. Another approach to such concerns involves limiting systems' construction primitives to those from appropriate styles. One may wish to constrain what implementations are appropriate; concerns for interface compatibility are then germane. And finally, one may want to constrain the ability of the architecture to be modified as it is running. AML attempts to circumscribe architectures in such a way that one may express all of these constraints without committing to which time scale will be used to enforce them. Example AML specifications of the C2 style and Acme are presented.
论文关键词:architechture description language, architecture semantics, dynamism