Collaborative design: Improving efficiency by concurrent execution of Boolean tasks
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) applications provide design and engineering professionals with various computer-based tools to perform design activities. As efficiency is one of the most important requirements in most design tasks, in this article, we contribute a novel collaborative design approach to improving efficiency, where a complex design task can be divided and executed concurrently by multiple collaborative designers. This approach is particularly effective for design tasks where Boolean operations – widely supported by most CAD applications – are heavily used in design activities, such as architecture design, mechanical design and digital media design. We have designed and implemented a prototype system CoAutoCAD to test the approach and to demonstrate a variety of collaborative design activities.
论文关键词:Concurrent execution,Collaborative design,Design efficiency,Computer-Aided Design,Boolean operation,CSCWD
论文评审过程:Available online 2 June 2010.