Explanations by arbitrated argumentative dispute



• Arbitrated argumentative disputes explain outcomes of cases characterised by features and stages.

• Excess features help to win the dispute and complement explanations.

• High-level explanations with content-agnostic features explain passage of legislative bills.

• Large-scale visualisations provide a collaborative environment for explanations.


•Arbitrated argumentative disputes explain outcomes of cases characterised by features and stages.•Excess features help to win the dispute and complement explanations.•High-level explanations with content-agnostic features explain passage of legislative bills.•Large-scale visualisations provide a collaborative environment for explanations.

论文关键词:Argumentation,Explanation,Legislative data

论文评审过程:Received 15 November 2018, Revised 5 March 2019, Accepted 5 March 2019, Available online 6 March 2019, Version of Record 12 March 2019.
