Volume 32, Number 3, May 2022
Improving test automation maturity: A multivocal literature review.

Yuqing Wang Mika V. Mäntylä Zihao Liu Jouni Markkula Päivi Raulamo-Jurvanen

Metamorphic relation prioritization for effective regression testing.

Madhusudan Srinivasan Upulee Kanewala

Metamorphic testing and test automation.

Robert M. Hierons Tao Xie

Volume 32, Number 2, March 2022
Effective grey-box testing with partial FSM models.

Robert Sachtleben Jan Peleska

Combinatorial methods for testing Internet of Things smart home systems.

Bernhard Garn Dominik-Philip Schreiber Dimitris E. Simos Rick Kuhn Jeffrey M. Voas Raghu Kacker

Combinatorial testing and model-based testing.

Robert M. Hierons Tao Xie

Volume 32, Number 1, January 2022
Effective fault localization and context-aware debugging for concurrent programs.

Justin Chu Tingting Yu Jane Huffman Hayes Xue Han Yu Zhao

Survey on test case generation, selection and prioritization for cyber-physical systems.

Zahra Sadri-Moshkenani Justin M. Bradley Gregg Rothermel

GPU acceleration of finite state machine input execution: Improving scale and performance.

Vanya Yaneva Ajitha Rajan Christophe Dubach

Model checking C++ programs.

Felipe R. Monteiro Mikhail R. Gadelha Lucas C. Cordeiro

Model checking, testing and debugging.

Robert M. Hierons Tao Xie