Learning a confidence measure in the disparity domain from O(1) features




Depth sensing is of paramount importance for countless applications and stereo represents a popular, effective and cheap solution for this purpose. As highlighted by recent works concerned with stereo, uncertainty estimation can be a powerful cue to improve accuracy in stereo. Most confidence measures rely on features, mainly extracted from the cost volume, fed to a random forest or a convolutional neural network trained to estimate match uncertainty. In contrast, we propose a novel strategy for confidence estimation based on features computed in the disparity domain, making our proposal suited for any stereo system including COTS devices, and in constant time. We exhaustively assess the performance of our proposals, referred to as O1 and O2, on KITTI and Middlebury datasets with three popular and different stereo algorithms (CENSUS, MC-CNN and SGM), as well as a deep stereo network (PSM-Net). We also evaluate how well confidence measures generalize to different environments/datasets.


论文评审过程:Received 12 April 2019, Revised 8 January 2020, Accepted 9 January 2020, Available online 18 January 2020, Version of Record 21 January 2020.
