Ensemble Multiple-Kernel Based Manifold Regularization

作者:Guo Niu, Zhengming Ma, Shaogao Lv


As a class of semi-supervised learning methods, manifold regularization learning has recently attracted a lot of attention, due to their great success in exploiting the underlying geometric structures among data. This paper presents a novel semi-supervised approach by combining manifold regularization learning with the idea of multiple kernels, named after ensemble multiple-kernel manifold regularization learning. In our approach, multiple kernels we introduced are not only used to add the flexibility and diversity of the candidate space for the learning problem, but also act as a similarity measure to search for an optimal graph Laplacian in some sense. In other words, the proposed method allows us to learn an ’ideal’ kernel and an optimal graph Laplacian simultaneously, which is of significant difference from existing methods. The associated optimization problem is solved efficiently by an alternating iteration procedure. We implement experiments over four real world data sets to demonstrate the benefits of the proposed method.

论文关键词:Manifold regularization learning, Multiple kernel learning, Reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS), Kernel learning

