Leader-Following Consensus of Non-linear Multi-agent Systems with Interval Time-Varying Delay via Impulsive Control

作者:M. Syed Ali, R. Agalya, Zeynep Orman, Sabri Arik


In this manuscript, the stability and consensus problem of the leader-following multi-agent system is studied. The state information of the leader is only available to the dynamics of all the followers, while the communication among the agents occurs at sampling instant. The innovative part of this paper is to reach the consensus and attain the stability for prescribed MASs with interval time varying delay using impulsive control in the presence of leader. The interaction between the agent is illustrated by an undirected graph. A class of distributed impulsive protocol relying on sampling information is suggested to reach the leader following consensus. The consensus is critically relying on the sampling period, control gains. By performing the similar procedures, the consensus problem of multi-agent system is converted to stability problem of the error system. By utilizing the stability theory of impulsive systems, algebraic graph theory, sufficient conditions are derived to guarantee the leader-following consensus of the multi-agent system. Terminally, a numerical example is given to show an efficacy of this presented approach and the sureness of theoretical analysis.

论文关键词:Multi-agent systems (MASs), Leader following consensus, Impulsive control

