A Neural Network Based System for Efficient Semantic Segmentation of Radar Point Clouds
作者:Alessandro Cennamo, Florian Kaestner, Anton Kummert
The last decade has witnessed important advancements in the field of computer vision and scene understanding, enabling applications such us autonomous vehicles. Radar is a commonly adopted sensor in automotive industry, but its suitability to machine learning techniques still remains an open question. In this work, we propose a neural network (NN) based solution to efficiently process radar data. We introduce RadarPCNN, an architecture specifically designed for performing semantic segmentation on radar point clouds. It uses PointNet\(++\) as a building-block—enhancing the sampling stage with mean-shift—and an attention mechanism to fuse information. Additionally, we propose a machine learning radar pre-processing module that confers the network the ability to learn from radar features. We show that our solutions are effective, yielding superior performance than the state-of-the-art.
论文关键词:Radar, Point clouds, Neural network, Autonomous vehicle