Initialization of Supervised Training for Parametric Estimation

作者:P. Costa, P. Larzabal


This paper concerns the initialization problem of the training algorithm in Neural Networks. We focus herein on backpropagation networks with one hidden layer. The initialization of the weights is crucial; if the network is incorrectly initialized, it converges to local minima. The classical random initialization therefore appears as a very poor solution. If we were to consider the Taylor development of the mapping problem and the nonlinearity of sigmoids, the improvements could be very significant. We propose a new initialization scheme based on the search for an explicit approximate solution to the problem of mapping between pattern and target. Simulation results are presented which show that these original initializations avoid local minima, reduce training time, obtain a better generalization and estimate the network's size.

论文关键词:estimation, global convergence, initialization, multilayer perceptron

