Building Adaptive Basis Functions with a Continuous Self-OrganizingMap
作者:Marcos M. Campos, Gail A. Carpenter
This paper introduces CSOM, a continuous version of the Self-Organizing Map(SOM). The CSOM network generates maps similar to those created with theoriginal SOM algorithm but, due to the continuous nature of the mapping,CSOM outperforms the SOM on function approximation tasks. CSOM integratesself-organization and smooth prediction into a single process. This is adeparture from previous work that required two training phases, one toself-organize a map using the SOM algorithm, and another to learn a smoothapproximation of a function. System performance is illustrated with threeexamples.
论文关键词:basis functions, continuous function approximation, competitive learning, interpolation, neural networks, on-line learning, self-organizing map