Hopfield Neural Networks for Parametric Identification of Dynamical Systems
作者:Miguel Atencia, Gonzalo Joya, Francisco Sandoval
In this work, a novel method, based upon Hopfield neural networks, is proposed for parameter estimation, in the context of system identification. The equation of the neural estimator stems from the applicability of Hopfield networks to optimization problems, but the weights and the biases of the resulting network are time-varying, since the target function also varies with time. Hence the stability of the method cannot be taken for granted. In order to compare the novel technique and the classical gradient method, simulations have been carried out for a linearly parameterized system, and results show that the Hopfield network is more efficient than the gradient estimator, obtaining lower error and less oscillations. Thus the neural method is validated as an on-line estimator of the time-varying parameters appearing in the model of a nonlinear physical system.
论文关键词:system identification, Hopfield neural networks, parameter estimation, adaptive control, optimization