Shopbot Economics
作者:Jeffrey O. Kephart, Amy R. Greenwald
Shopbots are Internet agents that automatically search for information pertaining to the price and quality of goods and services. As the prevalence and usage of shopbots continues to increase, one might expect the resultant reduction in search costs to alter market behavior significantly. We explore the potential impact of shopbots upon market dynamics by proposing, analyzing, and simulating a model that is similar in form to some that have been studied by economists investigating the phenomenon of price dispersion. However, the underlying assumptions and methodology of our approach are different, since our ultimate goal is not to explain human economic behavior, but rather to design economic software agents and study their behavior. We study markets consisting of shopbots and other agents representing buyers and sellers in which (i) search costs are nonlinear, (ii) some portion of the buyer population makes no use of search mechanisms, and (iii) shopbots are economically motivated, strategically pricing their information services so as to maximize their own profits. Under these conditions, we find that the market can exhibit a variety of hitherto unobserved dynamical behaviors, including complex limit cycles and the co-existence of several buyer search strategies. We also demonstrate that a shopbot that charges buyers for price information can manipulate markets to its own advantage, sometimes inadvertently benefitting buyers and sellers.
论文关键词:shopbots, economic software agents, price dispersion, search costs