ECRA - 2021 - volume 49 论文列表 |
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Yufei Xia Yinguo Li Lingyun He Yixin Xu Yiqun Meng
Deriving customer preferences for hotels based on aspect-level sentiment analysis of online reviews.Jing Zhang Xingchen Lu Dian Liu
Can blockchain help food supply chains with platform operations during the COVID-19 outbreak? Augmented reality advertising in an e-commerce model with competition.Qingying Li Chen Zhu Tianqin Shi
Procurement competition in the presence of IoT-enabled B2B E-commerce. Enhancing long tail item recommendation in collaborative filtering: An econophysics-inspired approach.Rama Syamala Sreepada Bidyut Kr. Patra
Pricing strategy for own shipping service of E-commerce platform using Two-sided market theory.Gyuseung Kim Wei Wang Hun-Koo Ha
How the live streaming commerce viewers process the persuasive message: An ELM perspective and the moderating effect of mindfulness.Xiayuan Gao Xiao-Yu Xu Syed Muhammad Usman Tayyab Qi Li
COVID-19 ads on purchase intention of online consumer behavior as business innovation activity: A contribution to the uses and gratification theory. Formulating the dynamics of an online community and identifying the influential members using the animal flocking model. Competing tourism service provider introduction strategy for an online travel platform with demand information sharing.Yi Liu Xumei Zhang Haiyue Zhang Xiaoyu Zha
Too few, too many, just right: Creating the necessary number of segments for large online customer populations.Bernard J. Jansen Soon-Gyo Jung Dianne Ramirez Robillos Joni Salminen
Explaining consumer implementation intentions in mobile shopping with SEM and fsQCA: Roles of visual and technical perceptions.Lin Wang Zhihua Wang Xiaoying Wang Yang Zhao
Risk-return modelling in the p2p lending market: Trends, gaps, recommendations and future directions.Miller Janny Ariza-Garzón María-del-Mar Camacho-Miñano María Jesús Segovia-Vargas Javier Arroyo
How to repair public trust effectively: Research on enterprise online public opinion crisis response.