Local structured representation for generic object detection
作者:Junge Zhang, Kaiqi Huang, Tieniu Tan, Zhaoxiang Zhang
Structure information plays an important role in both object recognition and detection. This paper studies what visual structure is and addresses the problem of structure modeling and representation from two aspects: visual feature and topology model. Firstly, at feature level, we propose Local Structured Descriptor to capture the object’s local structure effectively, and develop the descriptors from shape and texture information, respectively. Secondly, at topology level, we present a local structured model with a boosted feature selection and fusion scheme. All experiments are conducted on the challenging PASCAL Visual Object Classes (VOC) datasets from VOC2007 to VOC2010. Experimental results show that our method achieves very competitive performance.
论文关键词:Local Structured Descriptor, Local Structured Model, Object Representation, Object Structure, Object Detection, PASCAL VOC