The time model for event processing in internet of things
作者:Chunjie Zhou, Xiaoling Wang, Zhiwang Zhang, Zhenxing Zhang, Haiping Qu
The time management model for event processing in internet of things has a special and important requirement. Many events in real world applications are long-lasting events which have different time granularity with order or out-of-order. The temporal relationships among those events are often complex. An important issue of complex event processing is to extract patterns from event streams to support decision making in real-time. However, current time management model does not consider the unified solution about time granularity, time interval, time disorder, and the difference between workday calendar systems in different organizations. In this work, we analyze the preliminaries of temporal semantics of events. A tree-plan model of out-of-order durable events is proposed. A hybrid solution is correspondingly introduced. A case study is illustrated to explain the time constraints and the time optimization. Extensive experimental studies demonstrate the efficiency of our approach.
论文关键词:time model, event processing, internet of things, time interval, time disorder