Publish/subscribe based information dissemination over VANET utilizing DHT
作者:Tulika Pandey, Deepak Garg, Manoj Madhav Gore
A vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) can be visualized as a network of moving vehicles communicating in an asynchronous and autonomous fashion. Efficient and scalable information dissemination in VANET applications is a major challenge due to the movement of vehicles which causes unpredictable changes in network topology. The publish/ subscribe communication paradigm provides decoupling in time, space, and synchronization between communicating entities, and presents itself as an elegant solution for information dissemination for VANET like environments. In this paper, we propose our approach for information dissemination which utilizes publish/subscribe and distributed hash table (DHT) based overlay networks. In our approach, we assume a hybrid VANET consisting of stationary info-stations and moving vehicles. These info-stations are installed at every major intersection of the city and vehicles can take the role of publisher, subscriber, or broker depending upon the context. The info-stations form a DHT based broker overlay among themselves and act as rendezvous points for related publications and subscriptions. Further, info-stations also assist in locating vehicles that have subscribed to information items. We consider different possible deployments of this hybrid VANET with respect to the number of info-stations and their physical connectivity with each other. We perform Received August 22, 2011; accepted January 21, 2012 E-mail: simulations to assess the performance of our approach in these different deployment scenarios and discuss their applicability in urban and semi-urban areas.
论文关键词:vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET), peer-topeer overlay network, publish/subscribe communication paradigm, distributed hash table (DHT)