SeVe: automatic tool for verification of security protocols

作者:Anh Tuan Luu, Jun Sun, Yang Liu, Jin Song Dong, Xiaohong Li, Thanh Tho Quan


Security protocols play more and more important roles with wide use in many applications nowadays. Currently, there are many tools for specifying and verifying security protocols such as Casper/FDR, ProVerif, or AVISPA. In these tools, the intruder’s ability, which either needs to be specified explicitly or set by default, is not flexible in some circumstances. Moreover, whereas most of the existing tools focus on secrecy and authentication properties, few supports privacy properties like anonymity, receipt freeness, and coercion resistance, which are crucial in many applications such as in electronic voting systems or anonymous online transactions.

论文关键词:security protocols, model checking, process analysis toolkit (PAT), authentication, secrecy, privacy

