Preserving location privacy without exact locations in mobile services

作者:Xiao Pan, Xiaofeng Meng


Privacy preservation has recently received considerable attention in location-based services (LBSs). A large number of location cloaking algorithms have been proposed for protecting the location privacy of mobile users. However, most existing cloaking approaches assume that mobile users are trusted. And exact locations are required to protect location privacy, which is exactly the information mobile users want to hide. In this paper, we propose a p-anti-conspiration privacy model to anonymize over semi-honest users. Furthermore, two k*NNG-based cloaking algorithms, vk*NNCA and ek*NNCA, are proposed to protect location privacy without exact locations. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms are validated by a series of carefully designed experiments. The experimental results show that the price paid for location privacy protection without exact locations is small.

论文关键词:location privacy, semi-honest users, privacy preservation, location-based services

