A sound and complete R-calculi with respect to contraction and minimal change

作者:Wei Li, Yuefei Sui


AGM postulates are for belief revision (revision by a single belief), and DP postulates are for iterated revision (revision by a finite sequence of beliefs). R-calculus is given for R-configurations Δ|Γ, where Δ is a set of atomic formulas or the negations of atomic formulas, and Γ is a finite set of formulas. We shall give two R-calculi C and M (sets of deduction rules) such that for any finite consistent sets Γ, Δ of formulas in the propositional logic, there is a consistent set Θ ⊆ Γ of formulas such that Δ|Γ ⟹ Δ, Θ is provable and Θ is a contraction of Γ by Δ or a minimal change of Γ by Δ; and prove that C and M are sound and complete with respect to the contraction and the minimal change, respectively.

论文关键词:belief revision, R-calculus, minimal change, contraction

