
期刊全称 所属学科 分区情况 2019年影响因子 近三年平均影响因子
journal of agricultural & environmental ethics 农林科学 3 1.4642019 1.367
arthropod-plant interactions 农林科学 3 1.4662019 1.562
annals of forest research 农林科学 3 1.5002019 1.472
north american journal of fisheries management 农林科学 3 1.4902019 1.506
livestock science 农林科学 3 1.7002019 1.427
journal of forest economics 农林科学 3 1.7402019 1.636
marine and coastal fisheries 农林科学 3 1.7362019 1.624
fisheries management and ecology 农林科学 3 1.7332019 1.674
physiological entomology 农林科学 3 1.7282019 1.394
asian-australasian journal of animal sciences 农林科学 3 1.6642019 1.378
plant breeding 农林科学 3 1.6622019 1.435
veterinary immunology and immunopathology 农林科学 3 1.7132019 1.730
aquaculture environment interactions 农林科学 3 1.7042019 2.063
tree-ring research 农林科学 3 1.7192019 1.325
international forestry review 农林科学 3 1.7182019 1.639
soil research 农林科学 3 1.6862019 1.615
journal of animal science and technology 农林科学 3 1.6852019 1.685
acta veterinaria scandinavica 农林科学 3 1.6832019 1.563
iforest-biogeosciences and forestry 农林科学 3 1.6832019 1.449
biological agriculture & horticulture 农林科学 3 1.6742019 1.340