生物学领域重点期刊 |
期刊全称 | 所属学科 | 分区情况 | 2019年影响因子 | 近三年平均影响因子 | |
folia biologica | 生物学 | 4 | 0.6912019 | 0.936 | |
bulletin of mathematical biology | 生物学 | 4 | 1.8122019 | 1.646 | |
biosystems | 生物学 | 4 | 1.8082019 | 1.683 | |
computational biology and chemistry | 生物学 | 4 | 1.8502019 | 1.614 | |
electromagnetic biology and medicine | 生物学 | 4 | 1.8202019 | 1.672 | |
origins of life and evolution of biospheres | 生物学 | 4 | 1.8642019 | 1.668 | |
mathematical biosciences | 生物学 | 4 | 1.6492019 | 1.610 | |
journal of biosciences | 生物学 | 4 | 1.6452019 | 1.665 | |
journal of agricultural biological and environmental statistics | 生物学 | 4 | 1.6502019 | 1.308 | |
journal of biological systems | 生物学 | 4 | 0.7332019 | 0.740 | |
journal of biological education | 生物学 | 4 | 0.7642019 | 0.747 | |
indian journal of experimental biology | 生物学 | 4 | 0.7832019 | 1.064 |