
期刊全称 所属学科 分区情况 2019年影响因子 近三年平均影响因子
journal of taibah university for science 综合性期刊 3 1.8632019 1.752
proceedings of the japan academy series b-physical and biological sciences 综合性期刊 3 3.0002019 2.201
proceedings of the japan academy series b-physical and biological sciences 综合性期刊 3 3.0002019 2.201
royal society open science 综合性期刊 3 2.6462019 2.555
scientific reports 综合性期刊 3 3.9982019 4.044
journal of the royal society of new zealand 综合性期刊 4 0.8622019 0.928
iranian journal of science and technology transaction a-science 综合性期刊 4 0.8752019 0.775
advances in complex systems 综合性期刊 4 0.9762019 0.870
scientist 综合性期刊 4 0.9392019 0.656
proceedings of the national academy of sciences india section a-physical sciences 综合性期刊 4 0.9212019 0.785
advances in complex systems 综合性期刊 4 0.9762019 0.870
proceedings of the national academy of sciences india section a-physical sciences 综合性期刊 4 0.9212019 0.785
scientist 综合性期刊 4 0.9392019 0.656
chiang mai journal of science 综合性期刊 4 0.3252019 0.359
maejo international journal of science and technology 综合性期刊 4 0.3262019 0.425
interdisciplinary science reviews 综合性期刊 4 0.1962019 0.216
new scientist 综合性期刊 4 0.2722019 0.330
endeavour 综合性期刊 4 0.3032019 0.624
comptes rendus de l academie bulgare des sciences 综合性期刊 4 0.3432019 0.311
frontiers in life science 综合性期刊 4 1.2732019 1.267