progress in materials science
工程技术 |
1 |
31.5602019 |
26.345 |
ieee transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence
工程技术 |
1 |
17.8612019 |
15.015 |
ieee transactions on power electronics
工程技术 |
1 |
6.3732019 |
6.803 |
energy conversion and management
工程技术 |
1 |
8.2082019 |
7.256 |
advanced energy materials
工程技术 |
1 |
25.2452019 |
24.002 |
工程技术 |
1 |
11.4592019 |
10.638 |
ieee communications magazine
工程技术 |
1 |
11.0522019 |
10.226 |
ieee transactions on neural networks and learning systems
工程技术 |
1 |
8.7932019 |
9.486 |
ieee journal on selected areas in communications
工程技术 |
1 |
11.4202019 |
9.298 |
journal of statistical software
工程技术 |
1 |
13.6422019 |
16.012 |
biotechnology advances
工程技术 |
1 |
10.7442019 |
11.676 |
journal of catalysis
工程技术 |
1 |
7.8882019 |
7.457 |
trends in biotechnology
工程技术 |
1 |
14.3432019 |
13.889 |
ieee transactions on fuzzy systems
工程技术 |
1 |
9.5182019 |
8.897 |
current opinion in biotechnology
工程技术 |
1 |
8.2882019 |
8.250 |
trends in food science & technology
工程技术 |
1 |
11.0772019 |
8.735 |
international journal of computer vision
工程技术 |
1 |
5.6982019 |
7.770 |
nano research
工程技术 |
1 |
8.1832019 |
8.231 |
ieee communications surveys and tutorials
工程技术 |
1 |
23.7002019 |
22.301 |
international journal of machine tools & manufacture
工程技术 |
1 |
8.0192019 |
6.388 |