ieee control systems magazine
工程技术 |
2 |
7.4712019 |
6.253 |
science china-information sciences
工程技术 |
2 |
3.3042019 |
2.741 |
journal of materials chemistry b
工程技术 |
2 |
5.3442019 |
5.056 |
ieee journal of solid-state circuits
工程技术 |
2 |
4.9292019 |
4.726 |
acm transactions on graphics
工程技术 |
2 |
5.0842019 |
5.321 |
ieee transactions on broadcasting
工程技术 |
2 |
3.4192019 |
3.901 |
工程技术 |
2 |
3.3982019 |
3.390 |
iet control theory and applications
工程技术 |
2 |
3.3432019 |
3.388 |
ieee transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering
工程技术 |
2 |
3.3402019 |
3.597 |
structural and multidisciplinary optimization
工程技术 |
2 |
3.3772019 |
3.393 |
ieee intelligent systems
工程技术 |
2 |
3.2102019 |
3.423 |
building research and information
工程技术 |
2 |
3.8872019 |
3.700 |
ieee transactions on control of network systems
工程技术 |
2 |
3.4672019 |
4.134 |
integrating materials and manufacturing innovation
工程技术 |
2 |
3.4472019 |
3.447 |
sustainable energy technologies and assessments
工程技术 |
2 |
3.4272019 |
3.441 |
empirical software engineering
工程技术 |
2 |
3.1562019 |
3.515 |
csee journal of power and energy systems
工程技术 |
2 |
3.1152019 |
2.898 |
particle & particle systems characterization
工程技术 |
2 |
3.0992019 |
3.892 |
journal of physical and chemical reference data
工程技术 |
2 |
3.0512019 |
3.748 |
journal of biophotonics
工程技术 |
2 |
3.0322019 |
3.521 |