
期刊全称 所属学科 分区情况 TOP期刊
annals of the new york academy of sciences 综合性期刊 2
scientific data 综合性期刊 2 -
gigascience 综合性期刊 2 -
journal of advanced research 综合性期刊 2 -
iscience 综合性期刊 2
journal of the royal society interface 综合性期刊 2
npj microgravity 综合性期刊 2
research synthesis methods 综合性期刊 2
scientific data 综合性期刊 2
journal of advanced research 综合性期刊 2
fractals-complex geometry patterns and scaling in nature and society 综合性期刊 2 -
journal of cultural heritage 综合性期刊 3
proceedings of the japan academy series b-physical and biological sciences 综合性期刊 3
proceedings of the royal society a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 综合性期刊 3
royal society open science 综合性期刊 3
science of nature 综合性期刊 3
journal of king saud university science 综合性期刊 3
philosophical transactions of the royal society a-mathematical physical and engineering sciences 综合性期刊 3
plos one 综合性期刊 3
scientific reports 综合性期刊 3