


期刊简称 期刊全称 出版社 所属学科 CCF分级
JSAC IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications IEEE 计算机网络 A
TMC IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing IEEE 计算机网络 A
TON IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking IEEE/ACM 计算机网络 A
TOIT ACM Transactions on Internet Technology ACM 计算机网络 B
TOMCCAP ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications ACM 计算机网络 B
TOSN ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks ACM 计算机网络 B
CN Computer Networks Elsevier 计算机网络 B
TCOM IEEE Transactions on Communications IEEE 计算机网络 B
TWC IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications IEEE 计算机网络 B
AHN Ad Hoc Networks Elsevier 计算机网络 C
CC Computer Communications Elsevier 计算机网络 C
TNSM IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management IEEE 计算机网络 C
IETC IET Communications IET 计算机网络 C
JNCA Journal of Network and Computer Applications Elsevier 计算机网络 C
MONET Mobile Networks & Applications Springer 计算机网络 C
Networks Networks Wiley 计算机网络 C
PPNA Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications Springer 计算机网络 C
WCMC Wireless Communications & Mobile Computing Wiley. 计算机网络 C
Wnetworks Wireless Networks Springer 计算机网络 C


会议简称 会议全称 出版社 所属学科 CCF分级
SIGCOMM ACM International Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communication ACM 计算机网络 A
MobiCom ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking ACM 计算机网络 A
INFOCOM IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications IEEE 计算机网络 A
NSDI Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation USENIX 计算机网络 A
SenSys ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems ACM 计算机网络 B