CiteScore下 Agricultural and Biological Sciences(农业和生物科学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Biometrika Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) 864 3.1 47 Q1
Biometrika Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) 864 3.1 22 Q2
Agricultural Systems Agronomy and Crop Science 6596 9.5 7 Q1
Agricultural Systems Animal Science and Zoology 6596 9.5 3 Q1
Fish and Shellfish Immunology Aquatic Science 19797 6.5 11 Q1
Agriculture and Human Values Agronomy and Crop Science 1246 4.9 53 Q1
Food and Agricultural Immunology Agronomy and Crop Science 1909 5.0 49 Q1
Food and Agricultural Immunology Food Science 1909 5.0 59 Q1
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Agronomy and Crop Science 11909 9.0 9 Q1
Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment Animal Science and Zoology 11909 9.0 4 Q1
Freshwater Biology Aquatic Science 3811 6.1 13 Q1
Hydrobiologia Aquatic Science 7608 5.1 26 Q1
Hydrobiological Journal Aquatic Science 125 0.6 201 Q4
Journal of comparative psychology (Washington, D.C. : 1983) Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 432 2.8 250 Q2
Journal of Consciousness Studies Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics 454 1.6 395 Q3
Current Biology Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) 27992 12.4 4 Q1
Agrochimica Agronomy and Crop Science 69 0.7 276 Q4
Agrochimica Food Science 69 0.7 245 Q4
Agrochimica Soil Science 69 0.7 107 Q4
Gayana - Botanica Horticulture 170 1.7 39 Q2
Gayana - Botanica Plant Science 170 1.7 225 Q3
Agroforestry Systems Agronomy and Crop Science 1998 3.4 85 Q1
Agroforestry Systems Forestry 1998 3.4 32 Q1
Food and Bioproducts Processing Food Science 3282 5.9 46 Q1
Food Biotechnology Food Science 147 1.9 176 Q3
Food Technology and Biotechnology Food Science 1101 5.2 57 Q1
Agronomy Journal Agronomy and Crop Science 4137 3.2 91 Q2
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics Agricultural and Biological Sciences (all) 352 2.8 54 Q2
Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous) 352 2.8 27 Q2
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science Plant Science 1235 3.3 126 Q2