CiteScore下 Archeology (arts and humanities)(考古学(艺术和人文学科)) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Chronique d'Egypte Archeology (arts and humanities) 8 0.1 257 Q4
Archaeology in Oceania Archeology (arts and humanities) 134 2.4 33 Q1
Annual of the British School at Athens Archeology (arts and humanities) 32 0.7 106 Q2
Israel Exploration Journal Archeology (arts and humanities) 28 0.5 131 Q2
European Journal of Archaeology Archeology (arts and humanities) 274 2.9 27 Q1
Studi Etruschi Archeology (arts and humanities) 11 0.3 184 Q3
Revue Biblique Archeology (arts and humanities) 14 0.2 213 Q3
Journal of the British Archeological Association Archeology (arts and humanities) 4 0.1 246 Q4
Journal of Roman Archaeology Archeology (arts and humanities) 67 0.8 95 Q2
Artibus Asiae Archeology (arts and humanities) 2 0.1 262 Q4
Prahistorische Zeitschrift Archeology (arts and humanities) 41 0.8 101 Q2
Etudes Celtique Archeology (arts and humanities) 8 0.3 197 Q3
North American Archaeologist Archeology (arts and humanities) 29 0.8 94 Q2
Journal of African Archaeology Archeology (arts and humanities) 71 1.7 43 Q1
Zeitschrift fur Volkskunde Archeology (arts and humanities) 2 0.2 217 Q3
Revue Archeologique Archeology (arts and humanities) 9 0.2 207 Q3
Levant Archeology (arts and humanities) 93 2.0 38 Q1
Orientalia Christiana Periodica Archeology (arts and humanities) 14 0.4 166 Q3
Iranica Antiqua Archeology (arts and humanities) 8 0.3 167 Q3
Acta Archaeologica Archeology (arts and humanities) 29 0.6 117 Q2
Antiquite Tardive Archeology (arts and humanities) 19 0.3 193 Q3
Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und Vorderasiastische Archaeologie Archeology (arts and humanities) 22 0.3 169 Q3
Near Eastern Archaeology Archeology (arts and humanities) 108 0.9 87 Q2
Hesperia Archeology (arts and humanities) 82 1.3 65 Q1
Journal of Conflict Archaeology Archeology (arts and humanities) 41 1.2 71 Q1
Ancient Civilizations from Scythia to Siberia Archeology (arts and humanities) 14 0.3 190 Q3
Etudes Classiques Archeology (arts and humanities) 0 0.0 281 Q4
Trabajos de Prehistoria Archeology (arts and humanities) 118 1.6 49 Q1
Eirene Archeology (arts and humanities) 10 0.3 175 Q3
Archeologicke Rozhledy Archeology (arts and humanities) 64 0.8 99 Q2