Vehicular Communications
Automotive Engineering |
2101 |
13.0 |
4 |
Q1 |
MM Science Journal
Automotive Engineering |
340 |
0.8 |
75 |
Q4 |
International Journal of Intelligent Unmanned Systems
Automotive Engineering |
112 |
1.8 |
50 |
Q3 |
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering
Automotive Engineering |
4517 |
0.6 |
81 |
Q4 |
International Journal of Automotive Engineering
Automotive Engineering |
92 |
1.0 |
69 |
Q3 |
International Journal of Rail Transportation
Automotive Engineering |
394 |
6.1 |
14 |
Q1 |
Advances in Industrial Control
Automotive Engineering |
147 |
0.5 |
87 |
Q4 |
IEEJ Journal of Industry Applications
Automotive Engineering |
1097 |
3.3 |
26 |
Q2 |
Propulsion and Power Research
Automotive Engineering |
692 |
5.3 |
19 |
Q1 |
Ocean Systems Engineering
Automotive Engineering |
135 |
1.8 |
52 |
Q3 |
WT Werkstattstechnik
Automotive Engineering |
239 |
0.5 |
88 |
Q4 |
Springer Tracts in Mechanical Engineering
Automotive Engineering |
74 |
0.3 |
92 |
Q4 |
Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Automotive Engineering |
188 |
0.7 |
77 |
Q4 |
Unmanned Systems
Automotive Engineering |
237 |
3.0 |
33 |
Q2 |
Studies in Systems, Decision and Control
Automotive Engineering |
2977 |
1.1 |
63 |
Q3 |
Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
Automotive Engineering |
190 |
0.4 |
89 |
Q4 |
Emission Control Science and Technology
Automotive Engineering |
289 |
2.6 |
38 |
Q2 |
International Journal of Powertrains
Automotive Engineering |
66 |
1.0 |
70 |
Q3 |
Transactions on Maritime Science
Automotive Engineering |
62 |
0.7 |
80 |
Q4 |
Urban Rail Transit
Automotive Engineering |
281 |
3.3 |
25 |
Q2 |
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification
Automotive Engineering |
4596 |
11.0 |
5 |
Q1 |
Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
Automotive Engineering |
170 |
0.5 |
86 |
Q4 |
International Journal of Vehicle Performance
Automotive Engineering |
76 |
1.0 |
71 |
Q3 |
International Journal of Transport Development and Integration
Automotive Engineering |
197 |
1.4 |
59 |
Q3 |
Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems
Automotive Engineering |
208 |
3.2 |
29 |
Q2 |
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
Automotive Engineering |
682 |
5.8 |
15 |
Q1 |
Transactions on Transport Sciences
Automotive Engineering |
17 |
0.4 |
90 |
Q4 |
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Automotive Engineering |
356 |
1.5 |
55 |
Q3 |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles
Automotive Engineering |
1610 |
8.8 |
7 |
Q1 |
SAE International Journal of Vehicle Dynamics, Stability, and NVH
Automotive Engineering |
208 |
2.0 |
47 |
Q2 |