CiteScore下 Clinical Psychology(临床心理学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Journal of Rehabilitation Clinical Psychology 80 0.8 208 Q3
Journal of Psychosomatic Research Clinical Psychology 3442 4.8 50 Q1
Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic Clinical Psychology 107 1.4 162 Q3
Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders Clinical Psychology 903 4.2 61 Q1
American Journal of Psychotherapy Clinical Psychology 99 1.6 145 Q3
Neuropsychiatrie Clinical Psychology 115 1.4 163 Q3
PPmP Psychotherapie Psychosomatik Medizinische Psychologie Clinical Psychology 371 1.7 141 Q2
Counseling and Values Clinical Psychology 52 0.9 200 Q3
Psychodynamic Practice Clinical Psychology 75 0.9 196 Q3
Psychopathology Clinical Psychology 528 3.6 76 Q2
Journal of Genetic Psychology Clinical Psychology 238 1.9 129 Q2
Psychoterapia Clinical Psychology 19 0.2 253 Q4
Psychotherapeut Clinical Psychology 205 0.9 204 Q3
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Clinical Psychology 1544 13.3 3 Q1
Research in Developmental Disabilities Clinical Psychology 2866 4.1 64 Q1
Salud Mental Clinical Psychology 107 1.0 191 Q3
Sleep and Hypnosis Clinical Psychology 140 1.6 144 Q3
Stress and Health Clinical Psychology 1265 5.0 45 Q1
Verhaltenstherapie Clinical Psychology 115 1.3 164 Q3
Zeitschrift fur Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie Clinical Psychology 314 1.3 167 Q3
Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Clinical Psychology 175 1.1 185 Q3
Journal of Family Violence Clinical Psychology 679 2.5 110 Q2
Journal of Interpersonal Violence Clinical Psychology 4139 5.0 44 Q1
Behavioral Disorders Clinical Psychology 258 3.5 78 Q2
Child Language Teaching and Therapy Clinical Psychology 161 2.4 115 Q2
Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Clinical Psychology 146 1.4 160 Q3
Intervention in School and Clinic Clinical Psychology 282 1.6 146 Q3
Political Psychology Clinical Psychology 2144 7.1 16 Q1
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry Clinical Psychology 637 2.8 96 Q2
Addictive Behaviors Clinical Psychology 9430 6.4 23 Q1