CiteScore下 Communication(传播学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Technical Communication Communication 110 1.4 156 Q2
Telecommunications Policy Communication 1494 5.1 27 Q1
Newspaper Research Journal Communication 124 1.0 206 Q2
Research on Language and Social Interaction Communication 377 4.4 35 Q1
Public Understanding of Science Communication 1339 5.3 21 Q1
Learned Publishing Communication 741 4.6 33 Q1
Political Communication Communication 1069 8.4 9 Q1
Logos (Netherlands) Communication 14 0.2 336 Q4
Media Asia Communication 0 0.0 399 Q4
Language and Communication Communication 529 2.6 82 Q1
Language Problems and Language Planning Communication 40 0.8 232 Q3
Public Opinion Quarterly Communication 720 5.1 26 Q1
Speech Communication Communication 1539 4.8 32 Q1
Journal of Business and Technical Communication Communication 188 3.1 69 Q1
Communication Education Communication 357 3.2 66 Q1
Discourse Processes Communication 595 3.3 59 Q1
Western Journal of Communication Communication 221 1.6 146 Q2
Symbolic Interaction Communication 263 2.6 90 Q1
Javnost Communication 385 2.7 79 Q1
Journal of Advertising Communication 1655 11.3 2 Q1
Journal of Advertising Research Communication 409 3.7 49 Q1
Public Culture Communication 183 1.8 129 Q2
Public Relations Review Communication 2045 5.6 19 Q1
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Communication 1514 3.1 70 Q1
Health Communication Communication 3025 4.1 41 Q1
The South African journal of communication disorders. Die Suid-Afrikaanse tydskrif vir Kommunikasieafwykings Communication 100 1.2 186 Q2
IEEE International Professional Communication Conference Communication 104 0.5 271 Q3
Information Technology and Management Communication 277 4.3 39 Q1
Written Communication Communication 210 3.1 68 Q1
Discourse Studies Communication 332 2.7 80 Q1