CiteScore下 Demography(人口学) 领域期刊分区结果

期刊全称 所属学科 索引数量 Cite Score 排名 CiteScore分区
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies Demography 370 3.5 13 Q1
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences Demography 119 1.3 46 Q2
Journal of Population Research Demography 70 1.0 57 Q3
Biodemography and Social Biology Demography 176 2.7 23 Q1
Bulletin of Geography Demography 335 2.1 29 Q2
International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Demography 123 1.7 35 Q2
African and Black Diaspora Demography 50 0.6 71 Q3
Migration Letters Demography 221 1.1 54 Q2
Ager Demography 64 1.1 53 Q2
Chinese Sociological Review Demography 200 2.7 23 Q1
Diasporas Demography 10 0.2 101 Q4
Cahiers du Genre Demography 22 0.3 85 Q4
Comparative Population Studies Demography 75 1.6 38 Q2
Sud-Ouest Europeen Demography 15 0.2 93 Q4
Cahiers des Ameriques Latines Demography 13 0.2 99 Q4
Crossings Demography 20 0.3 87 Q4
Lengua y Migracion Demography 9 0.2 97 Q4
Poblacion y Sociedad Demography 27 0.6 72 Q3
Popolazione e Storia Demography 8 0.2 94 Q4
Journal of Demographic Economics Demography 97 1.5 41 Q2
Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment Demography 284 2.7 22 Q1
Mir Rossii Demography 127 1.0 56 Q3
Diaspora Studies Demography 37 0.9 63 Q3
Treatises and Documents, Journal of Ethnic Studies Demography 53 1.0 58 Q3
Norteamerica Demography 20 0.3 91 Q4
Cosmopolitan Civil Societies Demography 85 1.6 36 Q2
Caucasus Survey Demography 67 1.1 51 Q2
Sociologia Urbana e Rurale Demography 51 0.4 82 Q3
IZA Journal of Development and Migration Demography 33 0.6 69 Q3
Migration Studies Demography 212 3.0 17 Q1